1959 Ford R
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(Torch Red : Ford : 1951 - 1990)
At we have records of this paint for over 39 years of use, and with 5 unique promotional names.

This code is listed in our database as an offset listing to PPG codes 70540 or 70393. The most popular is 70540; therefore, the results below are from that code.

1959 paint by Ford with short manufacturer/year paint code of R. This red automotive paint color is most commonly known as Torch Red. Other common color promotional names include Coral Flame, Coral Flame Red, Red, and Vermilion. The color formulation has been used between 1951 and 1990, primarily by Ford; but also by Company Fleet Vehicles, Chrysler. We have records of this color appearing on the following models: Chrysler Special Order / Fleet, Fairlane, Ford Special Order / Fleet, Galaxie, and Thunderbird. See the full detailed list below.

The two Companies/Organizations with Fleet Vehicles using this color are: Ford Truck and Humble Oil and Refining Company.

The short make/year code for this paint on a 6601 in 1959, is R. The code R is unique to this paint color formulation for this year; therefore, the code can be used along with the manufacturer and year to specify the paint. For example: "R 1959 Ford". The longer Ford paint manufacturing code is M0175 or M0175A. Ford production paint codes starting with M are usually followed by a 4 digit number and the letter "A" indicating its an exterior paint. For example, the same code ending in the letter "G" is common for accent paints. The longer Chrysler paint manufacturing code, sometimes called the "Dodge Truck paint code" is DT3004. These longer manufacturing codes are useful for tracking paint usage.

Example of 1959 Ford R
1959 Ford R
See more information on "1959 Ford R"
or See all paints with a short model/year code of "R"

Examples of paint code 1959 Ford R (click on image for larger/detailed view)

Usage list 1959 Ford R paint (more information)
yearmakemodelcodepaint namecomment
Red|PPG/Dupont Cross-Ref 1990|
1951FordCoral Flame
1952FordMCoral Flamenew Jan 22, 1952
1953FordMCoral Flame
1954FordRTorch Redspring code change to N
1954FordFleetM0175Coral Flame Redalso WT4377, special order
1954FordFord TruckVermilion
1955FleetFord TruckTorch Red
1955FordRTorch Red
1955FordFairlaneRTorch Red
1955FordFord TruckTorch Red
1955FordThunderbirdRTorch Red
1956FleetFord TruckTorch Red
1957FleetFord TruckTorch Red
1957FordFord TruckTorch Red
1958FordRTorch Red
1958FordFairlaneRTorch Red
1958FordFord TruckRTorch Red
1959FordRTorch Red
1959FordFairlaneRTorch Red
1959FordFord TruckRTorch Red
1959FordGalaxieRTorch Red
1971FordFleetWT4377Red|Ditzler PPG Form7163|
1983ChryslerFleetDT3004Red|Dodge Truck Ditzler Offset List, Form 8302|
1990FleetHumble Oil and Refining CompanyRedRotor Aids

Paint Manufacturer Codes
Ford : M0175, M20J0175
Chrysler/Dodge : DT3004
Make/Year Code : R
PPG/Ditzler : 70540
Dupont : 2733H, 93-59161H, 246-82991H, 246-55151H, 93-82991H, 93-55151H, 1024H
Acme/Rogers : 8572
Martin Senour : 764

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